Free Trade Zone

Main tax exemptions

  • Corporate Income Tax (IRAE) is not applicable on net income obtained by the FZ user.
  • Net Wealth Tax (IP) is not applicable in regards to the FZ user's assets.
  • VAT is not applicable on services/goods provided exclusively and necessarily within FZ (input VAT will be a cost for the FZ user).
  • Non Resident Income Tax (IRNR) withholdings on payments for technical services, equipment rental and dividends or profits are not applicable.
  • Free Zone users must pay Social Security Contributions (CESS) in Uruguay. However, foreign workers can choose not to pay CESS in Uruguay, and make the option for IRNR instead of paying Residents Income Tax (IRPF).

Main conditions

  • FZ users must have at least 75% (*) of Uruguayan citizens on its payroll (including directors with paid activity).
  • FZ users can only develop activities inside authorized FZ (under certain conditions, some auxiliary activities can be carried out outside the FZ).

(*) For UPM  project special exception was granted and, under certain conditions, FZ users will be able to employ 100% of foreign personnel.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk(*)

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